Monday, March 12, 2007

Bak 2 work!

After spending gud three weeks @ home wid my folks m bak 2 work

I have a different kinda feeling.... probly this is watz called resentment towards work! but hey, this is the job i've bn proud of doing for the past six years!! so why this resentment now? Did my priorities change? or is it just the monotony? I really dunno...

But everytime I see the xpression on the face of ppl when I tell'em that m in the Indian Air Force, it gives me a new high... i m knocked out n then i feel reluctant to quit my job.

So for now it's the same ol' job for me :P... 'tleast till therz an intresting twist in my boring life!!;)

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Kaha gaye woh din?!!!

Gone are the days when I could do whatever I wanted as a spinster. Gone are the days when I was answerable to myself and no one else. Still didn't understand what I'm talking 'bout? I'm talking 'bout the golden days of my spinsterhood.

Those were the days when I was surrounded by people whom I call my friends. We had our share of fun in the form of bon fires, sing-song sessions, short picnics, watching movies etc, etc....:)

*sigh:(* Now my parents have decided to put a full stop to my freedom. They've decided to tie me up with some one. Will the future be half as beautiful as my past!! I dont know. I can only hope for the best.

So wish me best of luck:)!!!! And all u singles, make the most of your single status.... coz you can never get it back!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Do we need to marry?!!!!

The other day i was reading the mumbai edition of "Times of India". An article in page 2 caught my interest. It was bout a Miss Manju Rajpal who is the collector of one of the districts in Rajasthan. The article also had her photograph...and I found her to be extremely beautiful without any makeup whatsoever! I went on to read the article which highlighted her achievements as a DC *district collector for those who are not aware*. The article said that she helped over 1.5 lakh people from remote villages of Rajasthan to find jobs thru a National Job Guarantee Scheme! She ventured into nook and corner of her district where no other DC ventured hitherto. And guess what!! all this was not for publicity! She did it as she felt it was her duty. btw she is from a very modest background and hails from a village herself. And for all her beauty, youth and her position, she decided to remain a spinster! She adopted three girls and is happy serving her district.

I thot this to be a very inspiring story. And at some corner of my heart I feel proud that she is a woman *no I'm not a feminist*.

After reading this article I was wondering - what is the essence of our lives? As women are we only supposed to get married and produce children? Shudnt we all make our lives more meaningful by doing something worthwhile?